Starbucks Doubleshot Energy (product review)

Starbucks Doubleshot Energy

Some days it is hard to get out of bed. It takes a lot of energy just to motivate to do the things you need. Work, exercise, school…yet, you can’t just take “I don’t want to get out of bed days,” at least not if you want to keep your job (or pass class or stay in shape).

I’ll never forget my first experience with the Starbucks Doubleshot Energy drink in vanilla. An Energy Coffee Beverage.  My daughter had recommended I try it and this Monday was rough. I was exhausted because I hadn’t slept much the night before and I had an extremely busy schedule. This particular can came from the vending machine at work. I zombie-walked into the vending area, slid the bills in, jingled the coins into the slot, and hit E5. BOOM, I had this tall, icy cold can in my hot little hand. I was skeptical that this would help my extreme lethargy, but held out hope. I gently shook the can (not sure that’s necessary) and cleaned off the top with a Kleenex (I don’t know where that top has been), then popped it open.


I take a drink and I swear the Hallelujah Chorus rings from the rafters. I doubleshot you not, it was like blue skies and fairy tales. It was sweet but not too much. Now if only it would help me make it through a day of seeing patients talking about their problems.

I started feeling awake. Not a drugged or super-caffeinated feeling, just perky. Like I could get through the day. I wasn’t yawning. I had energy and felt motivated. Plus, I wasn’t hungry mid-morning like normal. I go about the rest of my day and I’ll admit…I felt great all day. The other benefit I noticed was that it seemed to work on the system like regular coffee does. Hello! Benefit number two (no pun intended)!

I’ve noticed the more I drink them (I don’t daily) it doesn’t seem to make me feel quite as energetic as the first few cans, but I do notice I still don’t feel sleepy or drowsy. It never made me feel jittery, which is a perk, for sure. So, all in all, I feel drinking them has been a positive. I’ve also tried white chocolate and it’s pretty good, as well…but the vanilla is by far my favorite

I would highly recommend anyone trying a (as long as they have NO medical reasons not to) Starbucks Doubleshot Energy drink. And Starbucks…if you are reading this, please feel free to send me some. I feel very passionately about my love for your product. And, the price, while not cheap (about $2.50/can), is worth it for the benefit I receive and the size of the product.

The moral is…I love this drink and will continue to drink it and reap the rewards of how it makes me feel! Oh, if you place it in the freezer (straight from the fridge) about fifteen minutes before you drink it, it is even better!


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